Cliff Sharples | Digital Food & Beverage

Digital Food & Beverage 2025

June 10 - 12, 2025

Hilton West Palm Beach, FL

Cliff Sharples

Founder and Co-Ceo Fexy

Currently, I am Co-CEO and co-founder of Fexy, a food focused content and technology company. Fexy Technology offers publishers, retailers, cpg brands and consumers premium technology for a better digital food experience. Fexy Brands get more than 20 million unique visitors monthly and include—Simply Recipes, Serious Eats, The Food Lab, Roadfood and Relish. Fexy Studios is a full service digital video content production studio focused on creating and distributing lifestyle content with wide editorial placement across all digital platforms including connected TV.

In 2016, the company announced a first-to-market integration with Amazon's Prime Now delivery service, creating shoppable recipes that enable customers to buy all the ingredients they need to make dinner, delivered in 1-2 hours. In addition, we have partnered with Amazon Media Group to offer digital shopper marketing services that enable brands to integrate their products throughout the entire path to purchase journey.

Recently, we just announced the launch of the Relish Network, a web app that allows recipe publishers to add features like saved recipes, menu planning, scalable shopping lists and shoppable recipes integrated with multiple grocery delivery services, including Amazon Fresh.

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Cliff.

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